Friday, December 29, 2006

Movie Nite

Awesome screenings of these two gems, at Casa Sanborn last eve.

Unbreakable was fantastic: Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson, and Robin Wright Penn. I loved The Sixth Sense, just liked Signs, and thought The Village was pretty good. But THIS is amazing. Not as obvious. But definitely good vs. evil. Bruce as a reluctant hero is really well done.

Spider-Man was a perfect second choice, continuing the "those with power have a responsibility to use that power for good," theme. I actually never expected to like this movie (well, yeah, I was a bit nervous about all the web-swinging through cityscape), but I did did did. The only thing that went against the grain--that upside-down kiss-in-the-rain is supposed to be the best movie kiss of the year. NOT! Otherwise I totally believed their attraction for each other, and their place in the world. Now I can continue to Spider-Man 2!

Thanks for a great school-nite event!

1 comment:

mybatcave said...

Don't forget the champagne cocktails!